How to Prevent or Slow Down Gum Disease

Let's talk about gum disease. It's not just what your smile looks like! Gum disease is common among adults and is this sneaky little problem that can have big impacts on your teeth. It can make your gums shrink back, get swollen and swore, and even interrupt the bones...

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The Effect Of Highly Acidic Foods On Teeth Over Time

We all make choices every day about what we eat. But did you know that acidic foods can really affect your teeth? It’s true!Acidic foods are foods that taste sour or sharp, like lemons and vinegar. While they can be good for your health, it's important not to let them...

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Sleep Apnea and Snoring

What Is Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea is a common disorder where your breathing is shallow or is completely interrupted or stopped while sleeping. These interruptions can happen multiple times an hour, continuing through the entire night, and can last a few seconds up to...

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What is a Canker Sore?

By definition, a canker sore is a small white/yellow lesion that appears on the soft tissue inside of your mouth. It appears on the gums, under the tongue, or on the inside of the cheeks Most of our patients have experienced a canker sore at some point during their...

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Our Solea Dental Laser

At Ideal Image, our goal is to make our patients as comfortable as possible during their visit. We understand dental fear is real. Let’s face it. No one enjoys the sound a dental drill makes. We always put our patients first, which is why we invested in the Solea...

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Healthy Teeth During COVID

2020 has been one crazy year. We all have had to adjust to a new “normal.” Our day to day lives were interrupted by COVID. People are staying in more and skipping routine appointments, such as their yearly dental cleaning. While we understand the reasoning behind it,...

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Tips for Keeping Your Child’s Teeth Healthy This Halloween

Halloween is an exciting time of year for your child. The thrill of going door to door and collecting endless amounts of candy makes Halloween a favorite holiday for kids. However, Halloween can be a tough time for your child’s teeth. Here are a few tips for keeping...

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Keeping Your Teeth Healthy with Braces

Oral health plays a large role in your overall health and wellness. Keeping your teeth healthy is always important, but arguably it’s even more important if you have braces. Braces are used to straighten or align teeth by putting pressure on the teeth to move them to...

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Foods to Avoid for Healthy Teeth

Did you know the foods you eat affect the health of your teeth? Keeping your teeth healthy is more than daily brushing and flossing. The foods and drinks you ingest impact the overall health of your mouth and teeth. Always remember to brush after eating, even...

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