Healthy Teeth Start at Home

Did you know tooth decay is the second most common disease followed right after the common cold? [source]

Tooth decay begins when plaque forms on your teeth. This can be from a variety of factors including drinking too many sugary drinks like pop or milk. When the sugar and starches are not cleaned off the teeth, they form plaque. Bacteria is quick to feed on the plaque which begins the tooth decay. [source] One of the easiest ways to prevent tooth decay is to brush your teeth twice a day. We recommend brushing after each meal and swishing water to rinse off your teeth after each beverage you drink during the day. Make sure to floss and use a fluoride mouthwash at least once a day [source].

Many patients have heard that eating a healthy diet is important to a healthy smile. Eating healthy fruits and vegetables actually help keep plaque off your teeth and even can freshen your breath! [source] Part of a healthy diet includes drinking water. Did you know our bodies are 60% water!? Drinking water clears your mouth and helps keep bacteria at bay. Try drinking tap water if possible as tap water has fluoride added to it. In fact, “Community water fluoridation is so effective at preventing tooth decay that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention named it one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century.” [source]

By adding a few of these simple at home tips, you’ll keep your smile bright and healthy until your next visit at Ideal Image Dentistry & Spa.